
For decades, the business card has been arguably the most important tool in a Real Estate Agent or REALTOR’S® tool kit. It’s a simple, cost-conscious, and effective way to keep your contact information at a potential client’s fingertips for when the time is right. This tool is essential, but the hassle that comes with ordering them is not.

For real estate office managers, finding a hassle-free way to order business cards online for their agents is a game changer. Ordering business cards online at Markful offers a seamless solution, allowing for customization, quick turnaround times, brand compliance, and quality that will free up your bandwidth to focus on other, more pressing issues.

How Long Do Business Cards Take to Arrive?

Markful's rapid production and delivery process is designed to match the pace of your business. With standard orders shipping in just 1-2 business days and luxe options available within 2-4 days, we ensure that your team is always prepared and never without their essential networking tools. This swift turnaround time keeps you prepared for a continuous flow of opportunities.

Moreover, our commitment to efficiency extends to our shipping options. Offering a flat-rate shipping fee, we ensure that your order arrives at your doorstep or office without delay or unexpected costs. This predictability in delivery time and cost makes planning for your team's networking needs simpler and more reliable, allowing you to focus on client relationships and selling properties.

Where Can I Find Business Cards That Fit My Brand Guidelines?

Markful has streamlined this process with our approved branding custom Shops for real estate agencies. Our platform is also already equipped with pre-approved branding for many major real estate agencies, such as RE/MAX, Berkshire Hathaway, HomeSmart and more.

By choosing your agency from our dropdown menu, you gain access to a suite of templates designed to meet your brand's specific guidelines, ensuring consistency and professionalism across all your marketing materials.

For those whose brand or agency might not be listed or who are looking for something uniquely theirs, Markful offers the flexibility to create a custom Shop. This feature allows you to design and save your custom templates, which can be easily accessed and reused by your team for future orders.

Customization Options For Ordering Business Cards Online

Markful simplifies the ordering process and offers a wide range of customization options to help meet your needs. You can tailor each aspect of the business card to reflect your brand and personality. Here are the key customizable features available on the Markful platform:

Design and Finish Options:

  • Paper Finish: Choose from matte, glossy, or soft touch to match the look and feel you desire.
  • Color Schemes: A wide range of colors to ensure your card stands out and aligns with your branding.
  • Logos and Branding: Easy integration of your agency’s logo and branding elements for cohesive marketing.

Physical Customization:

  • Paper Thickness: Options range from standard to luxe, allowing you to select the weight and feel of your cards.
  • Corner Style: Decide between traditional square or modern rounded corners for your cards.
  • Special Features: Enhance your cards with metallic inks, embossed details, or other unique touches for a premium look.

Proofing and Review:
Instant Online Proofing: Review and adjust your designs in real-time to ensure the final product meets your expectations.

These customization options ensure that every business card ordered through Markful truly reflects the agency’s professional image and branding. The platform’s user-friendly design tools and instant proofing capability make experimenting with different styles and features easy, guaranteeing that the end product is exactly as envisioned.

Is it Easy to Order Business Cards Online? Yes, With Markful!

Ordering business cards online should be a straightforward, stress-free process that results in a product you're proud to share. With Markful, you have a partner committed to providing quality, customizable options that meet the fast-paced demands of the real estate industry. From the initial design to the moment the cards land in your hands, we ensure every step is seamless.

Order your business cards with Markful today and experience the difference that professional, personalized marketing tools can make in building your brand.

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